Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Weekend!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend! Adam, Lucy and I headed to the in-laws for the weekend to visit family, where we inhaled the PROLO's within a 24 hour period.

The weather was absolute perfection on Sunday, so we spent the day outside with family. We were even able to test out our new "Chuck-It" from Adam's parents. Lucy loved it, but we loved it even more. No more slobbery tennis balls!

Since we obviously don't have kids, I still wanted to make Easter exciting for us. We made each other Easter baskets and hid them throughout the house. I made Adam's out of a beer case and shoved it full of some of his favorite treats, while he filled mine with Mountain Dew (gave up pop for lent), wine, nail polish, and chocolates. 

At the end of the day, we tried to get some good pictures of us a the dog, but quickly realized how impossible it is to get her to look at a camera. These are the best we could do...

Come back tomorrow for details on Adam's manly Easter Basket!


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