
Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Pastel Easter Vignette

Let me just start by asking, can you believe Easter is only a week away?!
I am not usually one for Easter decorations. I usually set out two bunnies and call it good, but this year I had a ton of fun getting just a little more into it.

Here's the vignette I designed for the buffet in our living room this year. If you've been around a while, you know I have been slowly neutralizing my home decor with little bits of color here and there. This vignette was no different, with my white bunnies, with a little bright green for spring and some pastel eggs. 

How did you decorate your home for Easter this year?

Source List:
Burlap runner: Target
Bunnies: TJ Maxx and Gordman's
Wood Tray: TJ Maxx
Egg Wreath: TJ Maxx
Lamp: Bed Bath and Beyond
Bunny Plate: Home Goods


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

CURRENTLY: April Edition

Happy April!
Easter is right around the corner and so is my dreaded end to maternity leave, but I am still excited for all the fun this month will bring. Today I'm joining the CURRENTLY link up hosted by Anne from In Residence.

ACCOMPLISHING | Getting some blog posts together to share with you all. I'm trying! Seriously, there are so many things I want show you, so I'm just waiting for a good day to photograph!

FEELING | Sad, anxious, nervous. A week from today I have to go back to work, which means my days at home snuggling my sweet boy are numbered. It's back to work and the start of day care. My mama heart is hurting, but I know it will all be alright once we get into our groove.
WORKING MOMS: any tips on how you managed to deal with the transition would be greatly appreciated!

NEEDING | A couple more hours in a day, but doesn't everyone? I seriously have no idea how some moms do it! Beautiful women who have perfectly dressed children and fun activities planned for them in their perfect looking houses and spotless kitchens where they make extravagant meals for their families all while working full time and still making time for their husbands, bubble baths, and face masks. Haha, but seriously, I'm lucky if my coffee is warm, me and my baby are dressed on the same day, the dishes are done, and we ate dinner. Who's with me?

PRACTICING | My sewing skills. I can sew a straight mostly straight line, but anything else you can pretty much forget it. I did get a new sewing machine for Christmas and I am finally testing it out and making a couple fun projects with it. So far, I am loving it and it is making me want to sew all the things!

PINNING | This triple melon salad from Family Circle which looks and sounds amazing! It is definitely a must-try this Spring or Summer. Michigan has had a little glimpse into what warmer weather feels like, but I am ready for the real thing!

What are you currently up to? I would love to hear from you in the comment section below!