
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

CURRENTLY: March Edition

Happy March, everyone! As I write this post, I am staring out my window at the mass amounts of snow that Michigan has once again been given. Second blizzard-like snow storm in a week and I'm just over here like "Where is Spring?" If I'm being honest, I really do love a good snow storm. However, this past weekend we got another small taste of Spring and now I am definitely craving it!

In other news, I have accepted my first OT position and I am so nervous/excited to start! With my days of lounging around the house coming to an end, I am appreciating them more and more. I have a whole list of things I'd love to accomplish before heading back to work, so we'll see how much I manage to get done.

I have also been reading like a crazy person and highly recommend the books I've finished so far:
Big Little Lies, The Girl on the Train, and The Husband's Secret. Also, if you're a fan of Veronica Mars, I read those two books as well and they were awesome!
If you are on GoodReads, let me know, I'd love to be friends!

While welcoming the month of March, I am joining In Residence and Gold & Bloom for their monthly CURRENTLY link up. 

WISHING | For SPRING! I want to crack open my windows, burn lemon scented candles, take long walks/runs outdoors, and spend my evenings in the backyard with my husband manning the grill. I want to trade in my boots for cute flats and my sweaters for light shirts with colorful scarves.

CRAVING | JIMMY JOHN'S. Guys, I've been craving Jimmy John's for days. I have a feeling it's one of those cravings that will only go away if I give in to the craving, and I do very much so intend to give in.

GOING | Back to work. After passing my boards and being off work for so long, I am finally starting my career in a short week and a half! Because of my new job, we have no vacation plans in the near future, but camping season is right around the corner. 

WEARING | My days have been spent wearing sweats, and I really can't complain. However, as mentioned above, I am ready for my spring wardrobe.

LEARNING | To spend less time wishing for things I don't have and more time enjoying the things right in front of me. I am beyond blessed and really need to focus my attention on the things I have been blessed with. Life is good!

What are you currently up to? I would love to hear from you in the comment section below!


  1. Ha! I spend my days in sweats too! We got 12" of snow up here! Ugh! I'm over it!

    1. I think we got close to that as well! I'll definitely miss spending my days in sweats once I start my new job!

  2. Hi, I stopped by from the linkup and enjoyed your post! I feel you...I have been in sweats a ton lately as well :) They are just so comfy!


  3. Yes, flats! Cannot wait. Good luck with starting the new job - that's exciting. And thanks for linking up!

  4. These are all awesome things! I am excited for you to go back to work, and I have also been craving Jimmy John's! I saw one I hadn't noticed in town today and was soooo tempted to go get myself a sandwich today!


  5. Congrats on the job! I wishing for Spring too :)
