
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Chocolate Chip Stuffed Raspberries- A Simple Snack

Say hello to my new favorite snack...

The past few weeks, Meijer has had their raspberries on sale for a dollar. One dollar people, how could I turn that down? The answer: I couldn't. I stocked up on one of my favorite fruits and started eating them by the handful. But what's better than a bowl full of raspberries? A bowl full of raspberries and chocolate!
If you have not tried these yet, you must! All you have to do is wash your raspberries and stick a chocolate chip inside each one. They are to.die.for

I realize that this is something that we have all seen on pinterest so I know I didn't just create some groundbreaking new snack. All I am saying is if you haven't tried it yet, DO IT! Especially if your grocery store is selling raspberries for a dollar! And hey, it's fruit, so it's at least somewhat healthy right?


  1. Woah! $1 is just an awesome deal! I have never seen raspberries that cheap!!

  2. So I just got some raspberries and now I know what I'll be doing with them!

  3. I definitely need to stop by Meijer and do this ASAP!
