
Monday, March 2, 2015

Half Bathroom: Before

Good Monday Morning, and Happy March!

After two weeks of being "present", without actually being present around here, I am finally on Spring Break for the week. I am hoping to catch up on things around the blog and create some awesome content in case things get crazy, because let's face it... they will!
Confession: I had over 1,000 unread posts in my bloglovin' feed last night and hit that "mark all as read" button real quick.

Anyways, today I am sharing with you all the BEFORE pictures of our little half bathroom off the kitchen and laundry room. And trust me, when I say little, I mean little.

When we first moved into our home (over two and a half years ago now) I didn't think this bathroom was too bad. While I wasn't in love with the wallpaper by any means, I figured it had a bathroom theme and was cute enough for our little half bathroom that is basically hidden anyways. This winter, Adam was determined to get that wallpaper down., which ended up being much easier than either of us had anticipated.

Let me just say, after giving the room a fresh coat of paint and a little updating, I am pretty embarrassed to look back at these pictures and admit that I didn't think it was that bad. 

I can't wait to show you what we've come up with, although there are still quite a few things that need to be done before the room is anywhere near finished. 

What big house projects are you working on this winter?


  1. Fun! I can't wait to see how it looks! And I can't imagine having 1,000 unread posts! EEK! I don't blame you for marking them all as read!

  2. Isn't it crazy what some updating can do? Can't wait to see what it looks like!
