
Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas With The Muszynski's

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, WHERE DID DECEMBER GO?
This Christmas Season flew by, and I feel like there were hundreds of things I wanted to do, but never got the chance to. 

The good news is, it was a wonderful month of December filled with Christmas music, Christmas decor, and Christmas movies...

Not to mention Christmas shopping and Christmas treats!

I just couldn't help myself. I needed to make some PROLO's... reindeer edition. For how to make them, see my post here.

When the first big snowfall of the year hit, I once again enlisted my dad to take some pictures of us for our Christmas card. 

This was the final product:

I also didn't waste anytime decorating the dog. Since Lucy's Christmas sweater didn't fit her this year, I went for some reindeer antlers instead. She even left a Santa hat on her head long enough for me to snap a picture. 

By the time Christmas actually arrived, we were exhausted. The three-four day leading up to Christmas are always full of chaos around here and this year was no exception at all. We traveled to see Adam's family on the 23rd to celebrate his dad's birthday, and on Christmas Eve there was a big gathering at his parent's house. Santa came and everything!

When we got home late on the 24th, Santa had already come to visit! Our living room was FULL of gifts to be opened the next morning. For as long as I remember, I have been woken up on Christmas morning to Christmas music blaring throughout the house and my sister running into all of our bedrooms telling us to wake up. This year was no exception and I wouldn't  have it any other way. It just wouldn't be Christmas morning without our 7:30am gift opening. 

I hope everyone had the most wonderful of Christmases and was able to spend time with loved ones!

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