
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Candy Bar Bouquet: Fathers Day Edition

My dad loves candy. In fact, he always has a "secret stash" of chocolaty goodness hidden in the house so he can have it all to himself. We eventually find his stash and when we do, he finds a new spot to hide all his candy. 

This Father's Day, I had a hard time deciding what to get my dad. I always get my mom flowers for Mother's Day, and thought it would be so nice if I could do the same for Dad. I settled for a candy bar bouquet, which I can assure you he enjoyed it much more than a bouquet of flowers. 

This would be a fun gift for anyone on any occasion, and so simple to make too!

I just used a foam block wrapped with tissue paper for the bottom and stuck it in the gift bag. I taped the candy bars to the skewers then stuck them in the foam block. The most difficult part was making sure the weight was distributed evenly to keep it from falling over. 

The finished product:

My dad loved it!

Now I just hope he shares with his favorite daughter...

What are some creative Father's Day gift ideas you have made in the past? 
I always have such a hard time thinking of something creative for my dad. Does anyone else have this problem?

By the way, only two more weeks of classes for me, so I hope to be back to regularly posting again soon!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Engagement Gift Basket

My best friend is ENGAGED! I received the phone call the night of her engagement and couldn't contain my excitement. The first chance I got, I ran out to Target and set out to find a bunch of goodies and helpful wedding planning materials to send her. 

Engagement Gift Basket:

 Frame with Personalized Engagement Art
This is something the happy couple can hang in their new home as a constant reminder of the day she said "yes!"

Bridal Magazines
Every girl needs an endless amount of ideas for her dress, hair, budgeting, etc.

Dry Erase Board
For her endless to-do lists or ideas to remember, a dry erase board will come in handy to jot things down quickly.

Post-It Notes
These make great bookmarks to refer back to articles in magazines.

Note Pad
Keep the bride organized with this note pad of weekly tasks, important notes, and when payments are due.

Shoe Stickers
If you are anything like me, it's the little things that make the day perfect. These stickers can be worn on the bottom of the bride and groom's shoes for a cute picture.

Jewelry Cleaner
The bride will appreciate this so she can keep her new ring sparkling like new, even months after the engagement

Nail Polish
The bride can show off her ring with freshly painted nails. This particular color is called "soulmate." I found it fitting.

Wedding Morning Playlist
Create a mix of fun songs for the girls to dance around to the morning of the wedding.

Engagement Card
No explanation needed.

I hope Jenna likes her gift as much as I do!

What are some thing you have included in your engagement gift basket? I'd love to hear your ideas!