
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

We hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween night!
We decorated the house, put on our costumes, and waited for all the trick-or-treaters to come, and by all I mean thirteen of them. Needless to say, the rest of our night will be spent drinking Witches Brew, eating the leftover candy, and watching Hocus Pocus. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tutorial: BOO Sign

Here is my BOO sign that has been hanging on my front door for most of October. I have been wanting to post this for quite some time now, but then life happened, so I am just now getting around to it, but I am really happy with the way it turned out! 

What you will need:
Wooden Letters (I got mine at Hobby Lobby)
Scrapbook Paper
Mod Podge

Start by tracing your letters onto the back of your scrapbook paper and cutting them out.
(and remember to trace the letters backwards too!)

Once your letters are traced, you may choose to paint your letters. I do this to cover the edges and make sure no wood will be visible.

Then comes the Mod Podge. First, put a thin layer directly onto the letters and place the scrapbook paper on top. Once that is completely dry, add a coat of mod podge over the scrapbook paper. You may choose to stop there, but I usually add one more layer just to be safe. 

When everything is completely dry, connect the letters with ribbon and add a loop to the top for hanging. Then all that's left to do is display your creation!

(yes, I know my front porch is looking pretty sad, but check out that cute pumpkin tin!)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

If you are sick of carving pumpkins, this post is for you! Here are ten different ways to decorate pumpkins, without digging out the guts. Enjoy!

1. Glitter 
Apply glue to your pumpkin, let dry 30 seconds and sprinkle with glitter.

2. Buttons 
Glue buttons onto your pumpkin. Cover it, write a word, or create a silly face.

Simply glue rhinestones to your pumpkin any way you'd like.

Make your pumpkin into a chalkboard for an endless drawing board.

5. Wire
Make words, spirals, or wrap your pumpkin up with some wire.

A different way to carve your pumpkin to get a whole new look.

7. Lace
Wrap your pumpkin in lace for an elegant look.

Cover your pumpkin in thumb tacks. Use metallic spray paint to finish it off.

Use cheesecloth to mummify your pumpkin, then just add eyes.

Personalize your pumpkin with your monogram. Or paint your house number on one for your front porch.

Be sure to check out my other Fall posts:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ten Week Picture!

Lucy is 10 weeks old today, and it seems like the ten week mark is the terrible two's for puppies. She is similar to the energizer bunny, she just keeps going and going and going. AND she is into everything! This week she is weighing in at 11. 3 pounds and measuring 19 inches long. We had our first trip to the vet this week, and she was a trooper!

As this picture depicts, we had quite fun trying to get her to sit still this week.

Favorite Fall Decor

I love decorating the house, but I REALLY love decorating the house for Fall!! Here are some great ideas that I am dying to try:

This is to die for! It really makes me wish I had a fireplace to do this with.

Put mums inside of pumpkins

I can't wait to find some time to do some of these things!
Check out my first Fall post: Favorite Fall Recipes to Try and stay tuned for the final installment, Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Favorite Fall Recipes to Try

While perusing Pinterest the past few weeks, I have come across some fun recipes that I am dying to test out! They all look so scrumptious, I can't decide which one to try first. I figured I would share them with you today, but you have been warned: DON'T view on an empty stomach. Happy Baking!

Check out my other Fall posts:

Happy Fall Y'all!

Well Hello October, my absolute favorite month of the year!

I absolutely love the fall! I love walking outside to the cool, crisp air, or walking inside to a house filled with scents of apple pie and cinnamon. I look forward to the vibrant colors that appear when the leaves are changing and the crunching sound of dead leaves against my feet as I walk. There is something so calming about this time of year, I just can't help but love it.

Exploring apple orchards, pumpkin patches, and corn mazes. Curling up on the couch while sipping hot apple cider. Roasting marshmallows by a fire on a cool night. Attending football games with a cup of hot chocolate in hand. Wearing sweaters and cardigans with a pair of warm boots. Carving pumpkins in the company of friends. Jumping into a big pile of colorful leaves.

Life is simple in the Fall.

Because I love Fall so much, I have decided to dedicate this week to FALL.

I will have three posts:

Favorite Fall Recipes to Try
Favorite Fall Decor
AND last but not least
Pumpkin Decorating Ideas