
Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Ever since we sent out the invitations, the response cards have been coming back like crazy! I always manage to be at my parent's house when the mailman comes because I am so excited each day to see everyone's responses. And I LOVE when people take the time to write little messages about how excited they are or how beautiful the invitations are, even though the response cards ended up being hard to write on. It makes me feel like a little kid at Christmas!... until the days I open the mailbox and there are none, talk about disappointment!

At any rate, I am extremely excited and it makes me happy to know other people are excited too! I just hope I don't need to make too many phone calls regarding attendance and meals come August 3rd when responses are due.

The next time I receive a wedding invitation, I will send that baby back in immediately so I don't torture them. 

What do you do when receiving a wedding invitation?
a. respond immediately
b. wait it out a bit (my meal is an important decision!)
c. nothing, they call me eventually.

The correct answer is A, but I can understand if you answer B. Answer C is unacceptable, just saying :P

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One Month!

One more month until the big day! Also known as the busiest month of my entire life, but I couldn't be happier that the day is finally almost here!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Heart Banner

I would like to start this post with an apology. I am sorry it has been FOREVER since my last post! I have been extremely busy with the wedding a month away and moving in a week. But I'll make you a deal... I will try really hard to start posting more often, even through the chaos of the next month or so -IF- you all start showing the love. According to my pageviews, people actually do read this! A girl could use a few comments once in a while!

I will get back on track starting with this heart banner. My mom made it for my bridal shower to add a little something extra, and I love the way it turned out! You see, my mom isn't really the craftiest person in the world, but she really got into it for the shower (she made the invitations herself) and I was so proud of her crafting abilities! Go Mom!!

Didn't she do a great job?! Looks like I got my crafting genes from someone after all!