
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Invitations Have Been Sent!!

I was able to get all the invitations put together and addresses this weekend, which means they were put in the mail yesterday! This is the last BIG thing I needed to do, so it's a big check off the to-do list! Several people have already received them, which makes me very happy! I guess I'm just a nerd like that :P

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Two Months!!

SERIOUSLY, where did JUNE go?! Can't believe the wedding is only two months away! It's actually starting to feel real! Time to get my butt in gear. So much to do...
so little time!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Invitations Have Arrived!!

I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of my wedding invitations for quite some time now! They are finally in my hands and I can't wait to put them all together and get them in the mail. As if a bridal shower and seeing all my favorite people this weekend wasn't enough, I can now add "address invitations" to my lengthy list of ways to avoid studying for finals! :)

Here is the packages the invites came in. I swear Jordanne Marie Photographers thinks of everything when it comes to making packages functional but fun. It makes me want a reason to mail all kinds of cute packages to people.

Aren't they pretty?! I can't wait to put them all together and get these babies in the mail!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The First of Three Bridal Showers

I would like to start by apologizing for my lack of posts as of late. I ended up getting sick last week, and school has decided to take every ounce of free time I have. Only two more weeks until freedom and full force wedding planning begins! And it's a good thing because we have so many thank you's to write and invitations to address!

Anyways, back to the topic for today... I had my first Bridal Shower on Saturday and it was fabulous! The shower was put on by my mom and sister, and they couldn't have done a better job. It was located at Crumb's Gourmet Cookie Cafe, the food was amazing, and so was the company :) They did a great job decorating and making everything look cute. Unfortunately, the camera wasn't cooperating and the flash didn't go off for most of the pictures, so the quality may not be the best, but I still have to post some because I loved it so much.

Two fabulous bridesmaids!

This is the prize table. Didn't they do a great job making everything match?!


About to start opening the gifts!

We got so many wonderful gifts and I am so excited to move into our new house to put some of those things to good use! We will be have to throw a house warming party so we can use our serving platters, wine glasses, and a signature drink with our new beverage dispenser!

Thank you to all that were able to attend, and for those that weren't able to, you were missed! I had such a blast and I can't wait for our next one this Saturday!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Cake Topper

There are so many fun wedding cake topper ideas out there these day, it was hard to choose just one! The great debate of flowers, initials, or bride&groom had me stumped. When I finally decided on a bride and groom, the hunt for the perfect one began. We found so many fun ones that even which bride and groom became a difficult decision. I finally decided on Wedding Star's "A Romantic Dip" Dancing Couple. I ordered it from amazon, and it arrived last week. Here it is:

Now we'll just have to wait and see if we can actually master the "romantic dip" we learned Saturday.

Anyone else have a hard time deciding on a cake topper? What did you end up with?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tutorial: Card Box Complete!

I had very little homework to do this weekend, so I put my time to good use elsewhere... wedding details of course! I have had all the supplies to make my card box for a while now, but I just finally got around to making it. And boy am I ever glad I did. This is probably my favorite wedding project so far. I absolutely loveeee the way it turned out! See for yourself:

In case any of you are looking for how to make your own DIY cardbox, here is a tutorial on how I made it. It was very simple. simple = fun.

Two circular storage bins of varying sizes
(I found mine at hobby lobby and used 40% off coupons)
Small Frame
16 gauge jewelry wire
Hot Glue Gun
Utility Knife


Now comes the fun part! Carefully cut the boxes with your utility knife. There is a total of 3 holes you will need to make for your two-tiered card box: 1.) top of large bin 2.) bottom of small bin 3.) top of small bin.

Your first cut should be rather large, on the top of the largest bin (or your bottom tier). The size you cut will depend on how big your bins are, but make sure that the hole is small enough that the top bin will cover it. 

For the second cut, you will use the same size hole as you did for the first cut, but this cut will be in the bottom of your smaller bin.

And your last cut will be a slot in the top of your smaller bin for people to insert their cards. Make sure this slot is large enough that any size card will fit in it.

Using your hot glue gun, start gluing the pieces together! To make things easier, I would suggest gluing the top of the larger bin and the bottom of the smaller bin together first. I did not do this, but wished that I had once I was trying to get them together.

Next, glue the top and bottom of the larger bin together.

I glued the top of the smaller bin to the rest of the card box once I finished decorating it, but you can choose to do this whenever. I found it easier to add the ribbon in the slot when I was able to access the underside of the top.

I started with hot gluing my purple ribbon along the bottom edges of both tiers. Then, I added the ribbon around the opening slot. (Once that is done, you can glue the top on)

I decided to use my leftover ribbon to make flowers for a little extra something.

And then came my big idea, and my absolute favorite part of this whole thing. The frame saying "Cards" was kind of an after thought, and I am so glad I decided to do it!

Card Frame
First, I formed the word "Cards" with wire, then used ribbon as the background and stuck them both in a black frame. 

I hot glued the frame on top for the finishing touch!

Can you tell by my vast amount of pictures how much I love it?

This project inspired a few more DIY details, so check back for more wedding day fun!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 4, 2012

We Found A House!

I may have briefly mentioned that we put an offer in on a house. Well... we have finally come to an agreement, so we are officially under contract for our first house! 

The house is beautiful, and has 7 out of 8 of the things on our must-have list. To refresh your memory, here is the list of our must-haves in a house:

We had our inspection on Saturday, and I was able to take a few pictures! Here is a sneak peek of our house. Enjoy it, because I probably won't post any more pictures until we own it! 

What do you think!?

Happy Monday!